For more information about Price click HERE & HERE.
The information on this webpage has been donated by Frances Cunningham. Frances has spent many, many, many years gathering and collecting histories, stories and photographs about Carbon County. She has spent many hours researching the early history of Price. Included on this webpage is a collection of articles that give the history of Price YEAR BY YEAR. Special thanks is given to Frances for the many contributions she has made to the history of Carbon County.
LDS Church Historical Department
These were the people in the Price River Valley.
Point of mountain about 4 1/2 miles north up the river.
Robert A. Powell, wife and 4 or 5 children. Caleb B. Rhodes. Levi Simmons & wife, Matthew Simmons, Keziah, J. Margret, Ed T., Susan, Peter G. Olsen & wife, Sally Ann, Bertha P. Olsen & son Erastus, Chas H. Empey & wife, Jack Kofford & wife, Charles W. Grames & family, Albert J., Charles, Frederick E. Grames & family wife & 2 children, William J. Warren, wife 4 sons, William Z Frank, Lewis A. & Parley P. daughters. Sadie & Harriett, Desent, James Gordon up on Gordon Creek. Joseph Birch, wife Dorothy & daughter Isabell, Erastus W. Mclntire, wife Annie B. & daughters, Margaret, Edith & Isabell, Brigham 0. Mclntire His wife, Barbara Mathis & 2 children, Annie B. & Brigham Franklin, John D. Leigh wife Annie & 4 girls, George Frandsen, John A. Powell Sons John A. Jr. Moriah & James. & wife Sarah Jane, one daughter Mary Elizabeth Plumb, Charles P. Johnson, wife & 2 boys, Jenese Peterson & sons Christian, Gilbert, Erastus, & James his wife Christina died here on Aug. 28th of this year. Casket made out of part of wagon box by George Downard & was buried at the Northeast corner of the Peterson hill, part of their homestead, George W. Eldredge wife Remand Jane 2 sons William George, Samuel N. Orlando F. Mead wife Lydia A. three daughters, Louisa, Armanda Adonia & two sons Orlando Teancum & George Carlos, Green Allred, wife & son Henry, 2 daughters Roseltha J., & Delilah 2 gandchildren Sarah A. Blain & sister. George Downard & wife Sarah Ann, 2 daughters Cecilia & Sarah Ann, 3 sons George F. William & John L, Erick Nielson & wife Sophia & a family name Sorenson.
Near the Dead Horse Crossing: Below that is where Wellington is located.
Families residing there Jefferson Tidwell, wife daughter Cerena, sons William J. Frank, Orange, Thomas Zundell & wife, William J. Hill 2 wives and a number of children. Newton Hill, wife, son George N. Robert A. Snyder, Arthur Barney & wife, Walter Barney & wife and 2 children.
Above the point of the mountain north.
James Gay, Andrew J. Simmons, Frances M. Ewell, wife 2 daughters Sarah E., Mary, Son Francis M. J., William Henry Babcock & wife, 1 boy William, John Babcock & wife Maude May, Teancum Pratt & wife Annie Mead, James Hanson & family, Hyrum Bellows & family.
(Somebody has added them up at the bottom of the page)
Families 43 - Children 72
Families Moved in 1884
Branch, Horsleys, John H. Pace & others at the end of 1884 he puts about 65 families up and down the river. pop. 355. First tithing paid $250 in produce.
First year of Publication
Collected at Helper Museum, May 1987
S. S. King, managing editor One year $2.50, six months $1.50
Published weekly on Thursday - January 1891
February 19th 1891
Ads - from J/ F. Jensen, boot and shoe maker; J. Jeffs. hay, grain and stabling at Castle Dale; Lang Hotel in Price.
February 26th, 1891
Ads - A. Ballinger attorney's - King attorney S. Horsley carpenter and builder - Price Trading Co. dry goods, boots, shoes hats, ladies outdoor suitings, caps. gloves, hardware, queensware, groceries, flour, grain, etc.–
March 5th, 1891
Ads: - Emery County Bank at Price, Lang's Hotel, J. Jeffs, Hay and Grain, Castle Dale; C. F. Jensen, boot and shoemaker, Price; Salt Lake Semi Weekly Herald; Tom Miles's stage came in yesterday over the summit and we may now expect to be able to communicate with Ft. Duchesne and the Ashley Valley - Win. Lowe of Menary Bros. nursery of Crescent City, Iowa, is here soliciting orders for trees. Those planting more than five acres will be offered an experienced fruit tree man to assist in planting free of charge, and reduced prices on large orders. Several new mining claims south of town have veins prospectors claim are tin, assays will be made and if true we may have a boom like the Black Hills.
March 12, 1891
March 19, 1891
Ads: - include H. A. Atkeson Contractor and Builder, Price; Ft Duchesne stage line, Tom Miles, runs daily with first class accommodations along the traveling path; 0. Robbins, proprietor, City Blacksmith Shop; Telegraph Job Rooms for bills, envelopes, hand bills, mining notices, visiting cards, lawyers briefs, etc;
March 26, 1891
Ads - J. S. Hoyt, Physician and Surgeon, Price - Magnolia Hall, wines liquors cigars billiard and poo1 rooms, B. F. Caffey, Castle Gate, Price Blacksmith, E. Anderson; City Meat Market, J. M. Whitmore.
December 25, 1891
Descriptions of eastern Utah counties and their possibilities: Uintah County, 3000 white people, 9000 acres under cultivation, soil very rich, especially in Ashley Valley, many mountain sheep, grouse, sage hens, and pine squirrels, also must mention gilsonite and sand asphaltum which is mined and hauled by wagon to Price, then shipped to St. Louis, Chicago, New York, and Denver where it is turned into paints, varnishes, etc.
Grand County bounded on east by Colorado, north by Uintah, south by San Juan, west by Green River. Only two years old, 600 people, assessed value 762,000, principle towns Moab, Thompson, Cisco, could have great agriculture and fruit but needs capital to construct two large canals to turn grand and green rivers over its vast plains, also has coal and agate beds, and large herds of cattle, sheep, and horses.
Emery County, created by legislature in 1880 out of Sanpete Co., has 8762 square miles, population then numbered 687, in 1890 legislature amended boundaries. San Pete disagreed with new boundaries and tried to get Pleasant Valley area back by suit but Emery County won. Within her boundaries are mines of gold, silver, coal, asphalt, iron, quarries of stone, forests of pine and cedar, ranks first in state in production of lucerne, 4th in total ag production, particularly wheat, oats. Much stock growing. Has 13 flourishing towns ranging in population from 300 to 900. Huntington is largest, in Castle Valley 20 miles south of Price, also in Castle Valley are Cleveland, Lawrence, Castle Dale, Orangeville and Ferron. Scofield, Castle Gate, and Winter Quarters are flourishing mining towns, while Helper and Green River are railroad towns. and Price is center of all this. 14 post offices, 100 miles of railroad, 1891 assessed values $1,294, 926,000.
Businesses: Businesses: Emery County Mercantile, absorbed Ferron Co-op, managed by L. M. Olsen; Price Trading Company, C. H. Taylor, C. H. Valentine, J. M. Whitmore, and A. Ballinger; Gilson Asphaltum Company, stores at Price and Fort Duchesne, plus receiving 800,000 pounds of asphalt and shipping out 700,000 pounds of the same. J. K. Reed of Orangeville pioneer merchant of Emery County., he commenced in 1878, first postmaster east of the Wasatch range, still has large stock of merchandise, largest stock of drugs in county, has served three terms as county attorney.
Gilson Asphaltum Co.
Cabinet Maker, Samuel Cox, house and sign painter
Price Meat Market - Jones Bro.
Magnet - U. B. Hutchinson
Price Trading Co.
Mathis House, Mrs. E. Mathis - Leading Hotel
Williams cheap Cash Store- opposite R. G. W. Depot
Overland Stage
Emery County Bank L M. Olson
Emery County Mercantile Company
L. Lowenstein
Dr. Fisk is no longer located at Helper to Ceder City
Price Drug Company E. R. Hepburn, manager
Price and Vernal Stage and Express line - B. R. McDonald, agent
S.N. Morris, Prop
The Mint - Matt Thomas & Co.
Reuben G. Miller- wool grower & breeder, Merion and Lincoln
Sheep- cattle and horses
Reinach Ullman & Co. - Robert McKune, sales agent
The new town board will not meet again until the first Monday in February.
The Sun Advocate, Price, Utah
October 9, l941, sec 4, pg 3
Right from the inception of local government the growth of Price has been favored by the policies and achievements of the forward-looking men who have served the city in official capacities. This is graphically illustrated by the following summary of outstanding events during each administrative period:
The First National Bank of Price was chartered in 1901; capital stock, $50,000; surplus, $60,000; deposits, $600,000; J.M. Whitmore, president; L. E. Whitmore, cashier. The Price Commercial and Savings Bank was incorporated in 1910. It has a capital stock of $50,000, a surplus of $58,000, and deposits of $725,000, with bank called the Carbon County Bank, located at Price, was incorporated on April 18, 1919, with Wallace Lowry as president, and a capital stock of $100,000. Utah Since Statehood page 319
1903-04 pages 262 to 265
My Files book G pg 100-104
An incorporated town on the D. & R. G. R. R., in central portion of Carbon county, of which it is the judicial seat, 121 miles from Salt Lake City. Has an L.D.S. church, Methodist mission, splendid public school system and good newspaper - The Eastern Utah Advocate, giving the news of Eastern Utah, especially of the Indian reservations Uintah and Uncompahgre, which are to be opened to settlement Oct. 1, 1904. Center of large live stock area and headquarters for mining men, interested in the hydro-carbon industry (gilsonite, elaterite, ozokerite and "wax" minerals in general). Payroll of Carbon county to coal miners and railroad employees alone in $300,000 a year. First National Bank, established in 1901, capital $50,000. Eighty-five thousand dollars in wagon freights paid out in 1902 for hauling a hydro-carbons and merchandise taken out over the road to Vernal. In the matter of freight handled, Price is considered the third station on the D. & R. G. R. R., ranking next to Ogden. Is the commercial center for the people of Emery county on the south, Uintah to the northeast, the Indian rservations and Fort Duchesne. Two stage lines (daily) one to Vernal, 128 miles distant, via Fort Duchesne, White Rocks and Ouray on the north; to the south as far as Emery (town) via Huntington, Castle Dale, Orangeville and Ferron. Local fares average about 10 cents per mile, with cheaper round-trip and through rates. Both lines carry express and mail. Tel., W. U. and U. S. Government to Fort Duchesne. Telephone to Ft. Duchesne, Vernal and Ouray and White Rocks Indian agencies to the north and telephone lines to Emery (town), south sixty miles, connecting with intermediate points. Population 1000. David W. Holdaway, postmaster.
List of Businesses
Allred Ditch Co., W. H. Brice director
Anderson Bros (Erastus and Peter), blacksmiths
Ballinger Alfred, Mgr Price Trading Co.
Bowman I.W., Supt of Schools.
Crockett Robert W., editor and mgr. Eastern Utah Advocate
Davis Bros, proprs Price Bottling Works
Donaldson Wm H. County Clerk and Recorder
Eastern Utah Advocate, R. W. Crockett editor and mgr.
Elliott H. David, livery
EMERY COUNTY MERCANTILE CO. - Co., W. H. Dusenbery Pres, L.M. Olson Sec, Treas and mgr. Dealers in General Merchandise, Wagons, Farm Implements, Undertaker's Supplies and Castle Gate Coal.
FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF - Price, J. M. Whitmore Pres, A. McGovney Cashier, Banking in All its Branches. Accounts of Business Firms, Stockmen and Ranchmen Solicited, Capital $50,000.
FORT DUCHESNE & VERNAL -Stage and Express Line, Lee Bros Proprs, B. R. McDonald Agt. (see Adv.)
Fowler Robert L. County Surveyor
Frandsen George G. wool grower
Frandsen Hyrum, wool grower
Frandsen Lars, wool grower
Frandsen Rasmus, wool grower
Frye Wm H., County Attorney
Gillson Samuel, mining
Greenwood Robert, carpenter
Guyitts Mrs. Charles, restaurant
HARMON LEVI N., Treasurer and - Mgr Price Co-Operative Mercantile Inst.
HOFFMANN LEWIS O., Attorney-at- Law, Matters of Non-Residents Promptly Attended to Office in First National Bank Bldg.
Holdaway David D. groceries
Holdaway David W., postmaster
Horsley Arthur W., building contr.
Jones Joseph, meats
Kirker Robert, mining
Lamph Thomas T. County Assessor
LEE ARTHUR J. (Lee Bros.)
LEE BROS (Arthur J. and Edwin C.), - Proprs Fort Duchesne & Vernal Stage and Express Line. (See Adv.)
LEE EDWIN C. (Lee Bros).
Lloyd J. J., blksmith
Loofbourow James W. County Treasurer
Lowenstein Lewis, gen store
McClune Robert, mfrs agt.
McDONALD BENJAMIN R, R. R, - Express and Telegraph Agt., Agent Fort Duchesne & Vernal Stage & Express Line.
McDonald Virgil, barber
McGOVNEY A., Cashier - First National Bank of Price
Mammoth Reservoir Co., L.N. Harmon director
Mathis Bros (John and James), livestock
MATHIS MRS E, Propr Mathis Hotel
MATHIS HOTEL, Mrs. E. Mathis - Propr, First Class Accommodations at Reasonable Rates, Headquarters for Commercial, Mining and Stockmen.
Miles & Young (Samuel Miles, Joseph Young), barbers
Millburn John B. saloon
Miller Reuben G, bishop L.D.S. and live stock dealer
Morrison John, Blksmith
Murphy Thomas, saloon
Murphy Mrs. Thomas P. millinery
Nichols Wm M. saloon
Olsen Seren, carpenter
OLSON L.M., Sec, Treas and Mgr - Emery County Mercantile Co.
Pace John, live stock
Peyton Wm T., operator Military Telegraph and Telephone Office
Pioneer Ditch Co. No 1 P. I. Olsen sec.
Price Trading Co., Alfred Ballenger mgr, gen mds.
Price Water Co, E. S. Horsley sec.
Smith, Mrs. A. hotel
Spring Glen Canal Co., J. T. Rowley pres.
Warf, J. Wesley, lawyer
Warner & McCall (Matthew Warner, George W. McCall), saloon
Weeter J. C. Lumber Co, J. W. Loofbourow mgr
WHITMORE J.M., Pres First Nation Bank - and Live Stock Dealer
Wilcox Hyrum, Sheriff
WILLIAMS S. M., Propr Price-Emery - Stage Line. (see adv.)
Worth E. J. physician.
Anderson, Lauretta - Sunnyside
Anderson, A. H. - Scofield
Bowman, Maude - Winter Quarters
Bowman, I. W. - Winter Quarters
Borg, Georgia - Scofield
Coleman, Winnie - Price
Christianson, Elmer - Sunnyside
Forrester, Katherine - Helper
Fitt, W. B. - Wellington
Gallup, Pearl - Clear Creek
Johnson, Wayne - Sunnyside
Johnson, Julia - Minnie Maud
Johnson, C. R. - Price
Knight, Minnie - Castle Gate
Liddle, Josephine - Sunnyside
Lee, harley - Clear Creek
McCornick, O.T. P. - Castle Gate
Matter, Elizabeth - Scofield
Marcison, Carl - Price
McKean, Dorotha - Spring Glen
MacLean, Clara K. - Price
Palmer, Helen - Wellington
Smith, Mae - Winter Quarters
Van Houten, Emma - Helper
Williams, Ada - Price
Whittaker, Jennie - Castle Gate
District 1 - Winter Quarters - Andrew Hood, Henry Parmley
District 2 - Scofield - Isaiah Llewelyn, Bedington E. Lewis
District 3 - Castle Gate - Stephen Gonotti, Michael Beveridge, W. D. Machean
District 4 - Helper - M. A. Ward, B. T. Montgomery
District 5 - Spring Glen - J. N. Miller, L. M. Olsen
District 6 - Price - R. G. Lee, L.M. Olsen
District 7 - Minnie Maud - John Blackburn, James Hamilton
District 8 - Wellington - R. A. Snyder, Edgar Thayn
District 9 - Sunnyside - Peter Liddell, Jas. F. Darius
District 10 - Clear Creek - A. G. Fernstein
District 11 - Harper - E. L. Harmon, Hank Stewart
Commissioners - Four year term, S. J. Harkness (R); two year tern, W. D. McLean (R); J. A. Harrison (R)
Clerk and Recorder - W. H. Donaldson (R)
Sheriff - Hyrum Wilcox (D)
Attorney - W. H. Frye (R)
Assessor - Thomas T. Lamph (R)
Treasurer - J. W. Loofbourow (R)
Surveyor - Daniel Harrington (D)
Eastern Utah Advocate, October 3, 1907 page 5
The price to be paid John F. Pace for the corner for the court house is $1250, and of this one thousand is to be contributed by citizens, architects are figuring on plans, taking those as published recently by The Advocate, which is a duplicate of the Richfield court house, as a basis for working. Brick or concrete seems to be the choice of materials.
Eastern Utah Advocate, December 26, 1907 page 2
The Advocate herewith presents a picture of the proposed new county court house at Price as adopted by the county commissioners at their last meeting. The plans and specifications are by Watkins & Birch, who have recently associated themselves as partners. However, both are well known throughout the state, with offices at Salt Lake City and also at Provo. The building is the first one they have done in co-partnership.
The building is three stories high and is to be constructed of cement, pressed brick and cut stone exterior. It is designed in Spanish renaisance style of architecture with beautiful porches and entrances on the north and west fronts. There is a central tower twenty-four by eighty-seven feet high with a metal dome surmounted with an aluminum finished statue, the Goddess of Justice. Also numerous turrets, window caps and many other pleasing features of the exterior characteristic of this pleasing style of architecture.
The first floor or sub-basement, is devolted entirely to the sheriff's office, residence and prison. The prison will be a modern one in all respects, perfectly sanifary, fireproof and sound proof, made to install eleven cages, bath and other necessary features. There will be also a cell room for women. The sheriff will have two office rooms and one jailer room, dining and two bedchambers with private bathroom between each bedroom. There will also be a large kitchen, pantry, storeroom, armory, etc, including large halls and stairways. One feature is that the prisoners can be taken from the jail to the court room up a specially arranged stairway without coming in contact with the general public.
The first floor is arranged for county offices, recorder, clerk and vaults, assessor, treasurer, attorney, superintendent of schools, commissioners' room and toilet rooms with spacious halls and staircases, vestibules, etc. The second room will have the district clerk's office and vaults, jury room, judge's chamber, witness' room and surveyor's office, including large halls and toilet accommodations and a large court room. All rooms will be neatly finished in flat grained fir with dull ____ finish, and each room is to have fireplaces with mantels, bookcases, desk railings, etc. There will also be lavoratores in all rooms.
The building will be heated and ventilated with low pressure, direct-indirect radiation steam heat having a system of flues to bring the fresh air into the building and for exhausting the foul air out of the building. It will also be wired for electric lighting, and a complete local telephone system will be installed. The building when finished according to the plans presented will be the most modern county court house in the state, except perhaps the Salt Lake City and county building, and will cost, approximately, finished and furnished, forty thousand dollars.
The Price Methodist Episcopal church - now designated as the "Community" church - was organized December 6, 1908 by Rev. H. J. Talbott, D. D. Rev. Ransom P. Nichols was the first pastor, followed by Reverends Isaac P. Corn, J. E. Ferris, B. T. Fisk, C. A. Smith, H. T. Zelder, Ralph C. Jones, Charles E. Brown and J. Freelen Johnson. The Price Academy sponsored by the Methodist church, was established in September, 1905, but was sold to the Carbon county school district for dormitory purposes in 1908. The Methodist church has progressed steadily since its inception here. From the small structure used by the congregation for worship both at its present and former location, this religious body has evolved the magnificent edifice recently dedicated. This building, located on the corner of main and Sixth is a great community asset. Its cost has totaled upward of thirty thousand dollars. The cornerstone was laid by the local members of the Masonic Order on September 3, 1923. The edifice was dedicated by Charles R. Meade, bishop of the Denver area on February 10, 1924
also see Eastern Utah Advocate - February 20, 1908 page 1
The Hellenic Orthodox Church was erected in 1916 at a total cost of $25,000. The first presiding officer of this church was the Reverend Mark Petrakis. The present pastor is Arch D. Smyrnopoulos, a man, like his predecessor, of culture and refinement, and under whose direction this church is exerting a fine influence on the Greek population of Price and Carbon county. The first officers of this church, under whose direction the magnificent edifice was built, were Manoles Salevurkis, president of the present board of trustees is Nick Salevurakis. All finances required to build and maintain the Hellenic Orthodox church have been advanced by local - Price and Carbon county - members of the congregation.
The Roman Catholic church is represented in Price by a large following. Father A. F. Giovannoni came to Price on May 5, 1918. He had previously been leader of a small flock at Helper for nearly a year. Two months after his arrival the lot on which the Catholic church is located was purchased, and ground was broken for the structure in October. The basement of the building was completed in 1919 and the church proper was finished in June, 1923. In this same month the local Catholic organization bought one of the fine residences of the city and converted it into a rectory for Father Giovannoni. The entire cost of the beautiful Catholic church was upward of thirty-one thousand dollars, a sum raised by the members and their friends from other denominations.
Early in 1917 the Utah legislature passed a bill similar to the Munger bill of Iowa, which enabled counties to build and maintain county hospitals. Immediately after this bill became law the citizens of Price took action along the lines laid out, but war broke out and the plans were shelved for the time being.
The Commercial club of Price have now backed the idea of a county hospital, and the sentiment all over eastern Utah is deeply in favor of it, and it is almost certain that in a very little while building will commence. Two sites have been offered to the tentative hospital committee and are...
1926-28 pages 153 to 157
My Files book G pg 122-123
Population 4600. A prosperous incorporated city 121 miles southeast of Salt Lake City, on the D&RGWRR in the western part of Carbon county, of which it is the county seat. Price is the shipping and distributing point of the major portion of four counties including the great Uintah Basin. Connection with these various points is made by four daily stages, freighters, and 7 star mail routes. The latter is operated by the government with 42 giant trucks for which a $30,000 government garages has been built. The mail route from Price to Vernal, a distance of 121 miles, is the longest star mail route in the United States.
Within a radious of 35 miles of Price are 30 producing coal mines, with a monthly payroll of $1,100,000. these coal fields are among the most extensive in the world and are of the finest bituminous coal. Live stock, including sheep for wool is the second industry, and while there is a great deal of excellent farm land, mining has predominated and agriculture is only in its infancy. The chief exports are coal, wool, live stock, alfalfa seed, honey and sugar beets. Great beds of asphaltum, gilsonite, elaterite and other hydro-carbon minerals are practically untouched as yet.
The water system is municipally owned and serves the people with an abundance of pure spring water. Electricity is secured from the Utah Power & Light Company and furnished to the citizens by the city through its splendid lighting system. The city park comprises several acres, a part of which is used for a free auto tourist camp ground. An excellent modern high school with dormitories is located in Price, as well as a junior high school and three district schools.
Because Price is the commercial center for a vast territory the business section would do credit to a town of more than twice its size in population. There are ten wholesale houses, six commission and forwarding companies and a flour mill. Three good banks are prospering as well as sixteen hotels and a number of practically all kinds of retail business firms. In addition to an $88,000 L.D.S. tabernacle there are three other churches. The Orthodox Greek, The Catholic and Price Community Methodist Episcopal. A live Chamber of Commerce, O.T. Brooks Pres., Wm. Toy, Sec. Kiwanis, Rotary and Business and Professional Women's Clubs, a $75,000 city hall containing a large dance hall, a $20,000 Carnegie library and a Masonic Temple. Local and long distance telephone Amer Ry Exp. W U Tel. J. F. McKinight postmaster.
City Officials: Mayor, C. H. Madsen, Council; G. J. Reeves, Jas E. Alley, A. W. Horsley, Elmie Bernardi, Loren Golding; Recorder, Art N. Smith, Tres S. L. Anderson, Meetings First and Third Tuesday of each month at 8 p.m., City Attorney W. G. Harmon, City Justice John Potter, City Phys Chas Ruggeri Jr. City Nurse Daphne Dalton, Marshall S. E. Garrett.
A & R Root Beer Co. (C. W. Gilner)
Acme Cleaners & Tailors (W. F. Myers)
Acme Signs (S. H. Gould), - over Price-Overland Co. (See adv under classified signs)
Alexander Hotel (Mrs. Mary Richards)
Alley Jas E. city councilman
Allies Hotel (Mrs. Jean Aubert)
American Candy Store (S. Bombos)
American Railway Express Co. (H. E. Timpson agt.)
Anderson, S. L. city and county treas.
Arrow Auto Line (Nicholas Caras)
pages 154 & 155 missing
NEWS-ADVOCATE, (Weekly) Mrs. Grace A. Cooper Mgr, All the News, Depot Av. Tel 62
Niles Grocery (Earl Niles)
NOTRE-DAME de Lourdes Catholic Church, Monsignor A. F. Giovannoni Pastor, Mass at Helper, 9 a.m. mass at Price 22 a.m. 202 N. Carbon Ave. Tel 92
Nyman Carl county surveyor
Occidental Seed Co. (Wilbur Burnham)
OCEAN TO OCEAN SERVICE STATION (Mike Erdel), On Pikes Peak Ocean to Ocean Trail, Midway between Grand Junction and Salt Lake City, Every thing to meet the Tourists Needs, Lunches served, cor E & Carbon Av., Tel 638
Olsen Barton city street supvr.
Olsen Harold city supvr parks
Olympic Restaurant (John Malkis)
Padia Jos auto wrecker
Paradise Hotel (Geo Saridakis)
Paris Candy Store (Denis & Barras)
Paris Cleaners and Dyers T. F. Cronin mgr.
Penney J. C. Co. L. L. Cusac mgr gen mdse
Piggly-Wiggly Norman Jeffries mgr grocers
Plant J. W. supt city water wks
Potter John city justice of the peace
Pratt Harmel E. lawyer
Price Agency Co. (Geo E. Nelms Albt Kay) insurance
PRICE ART STUDIO, S BROOKSBANK, PHOTOS, Any Kind, Any Time, Any Place, 313 Electric Bldg Tel 181
Price Auto Wreckage Supply Co. (Harry Gordon)
Price Bakery (L.K. Konstandinos)
Price Casket & Cabinet Works (O.J. Harmon and sons)
Price City Central School C. H. Madsen prin.
Price City Hospital Mrs. V. G. Reagles nurse in charge
Price City Water Works Dept J. W. Plant supt.
Price Coml and Savings Bank N. S. Neilson pres.
Price Commission Co. (Matthew Gilmour A. W. McKinnon) produce
PRICE COMMUNITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Rev H. M. Merkel, A. B. and B. D. Pastor, "I cannot do all things, but I can do some things, what I can do I ought to do, what I ought to do, God helping me, I will do" E. Main & N 2d East, Parsonage 22 N. 2d East, res and office Tel 511-W.
Price Confectionery Gust Platis mgr.
Price Co-operative Merc Institution Albt Bryner pres gen mds.
Price Hide & Junk Co. (Harry Gordon)
Price Hotel (Angelos Kontgas)
Price Ice & Storage Co. (C. R. Ferguson)
Price Meat market (Ernest Larcher)
Price Municipal Hall (City of Price)
Price Music Store (C. W. Gilmer)
Price-Overland Co. (C. E. Strauss)
Price Rubber works (A Johnson J. C. Vaught) J. C. Vaught mgr.
Price Sheet Metal Works (J. W. Holden)
Price Shoe Shine Parlor (Denos & Barras)
Price Steam Laudry(Georgides Bros)
Price Trading Co. G. P. Peacock mgr.
PRICE TRANSPORTATION CO, INC, J. H. Wade Mgr., Price to Helper, Castle Gate Gibson, Coal City, Huntington, Castle Dale, Ferron, Emery, Cars and Trucks for Hire, 11 N. Carbon Av. Tels 171 and 176
Price Vegetable & Fish market (Abe Mussellen)
Price Water Co. C. J. Empey sec-treas.
PRICE WELDING WORKS -(Fred R. Haskins) Acetylene Welding, Auto Repairing, Expert Work, Reasonable Prices, "Have it Welded" 138 W. Main, Tel 75
Red Star Oil Co. Henry C. Olsen mgr
Red Star Service Stations B. L. Billings mgr.
REDD MOTOR CO. (J. H. Redd), authorized Ford Dealers, Tires, Tubes, Parts and Acessories, 123 W. Main, Tel 384
REED R. C. Contractor Plumbing and Heating, Specialty Bath Room Accessories, 18 N. Carbon Av. Tel 290
Reids Vulcanizing Shop (W. J. Reid)
Richards Glenn Wm dentist
Richens Grant city bldg inspr.
Robey Jas A genl blksmith
Robinson's Novelty Repair Shop (Frank H. Robinson)
ROSE BUD BARBER SHOP AND BEAUTY PARLOR (M Paletta) Ladies and Chirldrens Hair Cutting our Specialty 15 S. Carbon
Ruggeri Chas Jr. city physician
Ruggeri Henry lawyer
Sanitary Bakery (Leonard Hovorka)
Sanitary Barber Shop (Roy Wimmer)
Satisfaction Garage (John Piacitelli)
Savoy Hotel L. R. Bills mgr.
Sax Jas S. life ins.
Schramm-Johnson Drugs R. L. Felt mgr.
Scowcroft John & Sons Co. Ogden Carl Saxey local mgr whol grocers
SHEYA THOMAS Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work, 118 W. Main
Singer Sewing Mach Co. Homer Peterson mgr
Skaggs Cash Stores no 48 A Call mgr.
Slim's Battery & Ignition Sta (C. A. Olsen)
Smith Art N. city recorder
Smith, Geo A. painter.
Smoot Lumber Co. F. T. Gardner mgr.
Smyrnopoulos Rev D. pastor Hellenic Orthodox Church
South of Price Garage (Harry Clavel)
South Side School C. H. Madsen prin
STAR CONFECTIONERY & SHOE SHINE PARLOR Tom Raptes Propr., A Full and Complete Line of Confections and Soft Drinks, Cigars and Tobaccos, 16 E. Main, P.O. Box 71, Tel 178
Star Theatre Nicholas Allermand mgr
STEVENSON CLARENCE H., Mgr C. H. Stevenson Lumber Co.
STEVENSON C.H. LUMBER Co., Clarence M. Stevenson Mgr, T. C. Larson Asst Mgr, W. Main, Tels 26 and 111 (see Adv)
Stoker Wm E. bishop (L.D.S.)
Stoker's Toggery (Wm E. Stoker)
Stookey L. J. phys
Studebaker Sales & Service M. A. Roberts mgr.
Sumner's Apartments (Mrs. E. M. Sumner) 73 No. 1st West
SUMNER'S FURNITURE STORE (Mrs. E. M. Sumner), New and Second Hand Furniture, Stoves and House Furnishings, Carpets and Rugs, Majestic Stoves and Ranges, 76 N. 1st West, Tel 175.
Sun The (weekly) R. W. Crockett mgr.
Superior Service Station Atelle Migliore mgr.
Sutton A. D. Drug Co. (A. D. Sutton)
Tavern The (R. I. Braffet)
Tavern Cigar Store (R. I. Braffet)
Turner Robt J. Lawyer
Utah Carbon Motor Co. L. J. Lloyd mgr
UTAH CLEANERS, TAILORS & HOME LAUNDRY (Theo Rikokis), cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing and Laundry Work, First Class Work Satifies Customers, 1st So. next Carbon Hotel, Tel. 189
Utah Grocery (Michl Lendres)
Utah Hotel (A Aramaki)
Utah Noodles and Chop Suey (K Satow)
UTAH-PRICE BOTTLING & ICE CREAM CO., Peter Georgides Mgr., Manufactures of Ice Cream and Soda Water, Fountain Supplies and Candy Jobbers, 2d So. and 2d East, Tel 24
UTAH RADIO PRODUCTS CO, David Neff Pres. Gen. Mgr. Manufacturers of "Utah" Loud Speakers and Speaker Units, 2234 Highland Dr. Salt Lake City Tels Hy 602-1802-6070 (See adv.)
VARIETY STORE, THE (Mrs. Ruth Williams), Complete Line of Household Necessities, Trunks, Suit Cases, School Supplies, Notions, Cutlery, Oil Cloth and Linoleum, 46 E. Main. Tel 346
Vogue Pool Hall (John Causer)
Vouros Michl coffee house
Wallace & Harmon (A.N. Wallace O.J. Harmon) funeral directors
Watkins Oscar tailor
Weeter, J. C. Lumber Co. D. H. Gove local mgr.
WESTERN AUTO COMPANY Harry Dragatis Pres, T. C. Harvey V-Pres. H. C. Bates Sec-Tres., Studebaker Automobiles, Service, Accessories, Storage, Towing Service, 37 N. Carbon Ave. Tel 345
Western Union Telegraph Co. S. L. McArthur
Whimpey Michl cafe
Winn J. A. blksmth
Winter Hospital (W. P. Winter)
Woodhead Saml county comr.
Woods Fred E. lawyer
Woodward, D. D. Jr. county supt schools
World Harry J. Supt county infirmary
ZANONI BROS BAKING CO, Guy and Erminio Zanoni Proprs, Sanitary, Modern, Up-to-date, Quick and Satisfactory Service, 1st So. Tel 248
The Sun Advocate - 26 Aug 1937 pg 1
To Begin New Municipal Auditorium
Total Cost of Structure will be $150,000; Razing of the Old City Building To Be Started Immediately
Full Steam Ahead
That promises to be the instructions on the Price municipal auditorium, a structure which local voters authorized several months ago, but which has been practically a simple vision since due to inability to secure federal funds which have been appropriated as the national government's aid to the project.
Telegrams advising the actual availablity if the federal money were received Tuesday by Mayor J. Bracken Lee and on Wednesday the chief executive Councilmen Sheldon Anderson, Ted McIntire and John Holden and City Recorder William Grogan went to Salt Lake City to close up details necessary pointing toward early construction of the new city building.
The new building is to cost $150,000, the government's portion being in the amount of $67,500. The structure is to be one of the finest in the state, the equal of any to be found in any non-metropolitan area of Utah. It will be located on the site of the present building, the latter to be torn down to make way for the splendid improvement which should add greatly to Price's qualities as a convention city and center of Eastern Utah civic and entertainment affairs.
It is expected that the city's business offices will be moved from present quarters to the library basement within the next few days and that tearing down of the city hall will be started immediately. Nothing definite has been announced as to where the fire fighting equipment will be kept during the time the new building is being erected.